I am trying to run through the setup and I am getting garbage/com port errors on the terminal.
Here is an example when I connect and try and do a level. This is 2.0.39 Beta, I do not know if this related to that or some other hardware problem.
NOTE: You must disconnect and move the slider switch when done to use other tabs
Opened com port
Init ACM
RAM: 1946
FW Version 105
Entering interactive setup mode...
Type 'help' to list commands, 'exit' to leave a submenu.
Visit the 'setup' menu for first-time configuration.
AC 2.0.39 Beta] setup
Setup Mode
setup] level
UInit Accel**U***UError reading com port
*****U Accel offsets: 11.52, -10.07, 19.74
Gyro offsets: 69.34, 29.11, 30.30
Accel offsets: 11.52, -10.07, 19.74
Lee: Just do the setup via MAVLink with the slider in flight mode, as the manual instructs: