Set RATE_PIT_P failed in 2.0.49


I need to change my RATE_PIT_P and RATE_ROLL_P, but i can 't do it in mission planner anymore.

I saw in another topic that i must change to CLI mode (swtich), but doing this i can't load params and change.....also, this error happen only with these two params.

After trying to read in flight mode -> switch to CLI -> change params -> save, my RATE_PIT_P got 0,0! Now i reeally need to know how to change it in mission planner.


Mission planner: 1.0.89

FW: 2.0.49



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  • Thanks Thomas for the advice - you have saved me much much frustration.

  • Hi,

    I had the same problem. One solution (start up APM in CLI position of slider switch, then connect with USB to Mission Planner, modify the parameters, write. Then restart in Flight mode and test fly.)


    Other solution: Upload firmware using the Arduino IDE instead of the MP firmware loader. Nota bene - you will have to review the APM_config.h first to check/ modify configurations

    After I did so I can change RATE PI without problem.

    Good luck!

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