set up question for an RQ-11

OK i been looking and cant find what im looking for so im asking for help.  Building a projet RQ-11, and need to know a cut and dry setup for the UAV. Best motor, battery, ESC and prop to handle all the electronincs for autopilot, gps videocamera, all of that. I would like the flight time to be hour + if possible.



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  • does anyone else have different motors they have used on this plane?  thanks for the input Tom.

    I dont need anything to go fast, i just want it to be able to fly with the added weight.

  • The eCalc electric flight calculator might be a good point to start planning your power system. It allows you to choose motor/esc/battery/prop combinations and calculates resulting current/voltage/RPM/thrust/pitch speed.

  • I used this motor with a 54a esc:

    Mainly because that's what I had lying around and it fitted. With a (I think) 9x6 prop it was more than powerful enough for the plane and would climb fast, then sit at 1/3rd throttle comfortably. That was also with a fair bit of weight on the plane (enough to ultimately fold one of the wing joints, turning my drone into a missile).

  • I understand that the nitro planes guy has a 480 on it in the video, but I cant find a coversion for the specs that they suggest.


    Motors: 2835~3035 size  how does 480 3010-1020KV  equal 2835~3035??

  • 'Best' is really subjective for a DIY kind of project... I don't think you'll find a cut and dry setup for something like that. Your best bet would be to follow manufacturer's specs for the power and airframe, engine and prop, and go from there.

    An hour+ seems ambitious for that size of a plane.

    Have a look here:

    Good Luck!

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