Setting "Level"

I can see that the initial setting of level is important in flight. Makes sence.

But how are you establishing that the craft is indeed at a level state?


I bought a "bulls eye" level and mounted it on the top deck of the craft and I lift and lower till its dead center, then set the level in the software.


Once set, do I need to set the craft in this manner prior to arming, prepping for flight?



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  • Julie,

    The AC2 software does a 'gyro' level the first time you arm the motors after each power up

    You should have the aircraft level at this point


  • Hi Julie ;


    Im also new to this and did as you describe ; I assume after having leveled , you don't need to exactly position yur quad in the same levelling fashion for a take off and flight;


    But i understand why you ask .. do your quad feel slightly unleveled ? .. i have the same feeling but i think just by adding a non-centered or slightly unbalanced lipo can move the CG elsewhere .. and that is what might be confusing 


    last night Ive spend 4h preparing , leveling etc .. and i still don't have a perfect still hover .. it always wants to get on a side, to the rear ..


    But here is another aspect to take in account : Ground effect .. if you hover still but too low .. you cannot conclude that your craft is not correctly CG centered or incorrectly levelled .. it might only be ground effect. try higher :)


    ps : also , ground types like not recently mowed grass parasites much less than plain simple concrete grounds; well that something i empirically noticed .. maybe i had my quad perfectly rigged that day ? 





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