Hi, well if you are looking from a control point of view then the + configuration is simpler like for moving forward or backwards or even tilting side ways, because you just need one motor to speed up for either direction N,S,E,W but in the x configuration it uses two motors to achieve that like if you are moving forward the two rear motors speed up instead of just one like in + configuration, the way I see it is that the x configuration is more stable then the + configuration but the + configuration is easier to not disorientate and more agile. this is just my theory.
Hi, well if you are looking from a control point of view then the + configuration is simpler like for moving forward or backwards or even tilting side ways, because you just need one motor to speed up for either direction N,S,E,W but in the x configuration it uses two motors to achieve that like if you are moving forward the two rear motors speed up instead of just one like in + configuration, the way I see it is that the x configuration is more stable then the + configuration but the + configuration is easier to not disorientate and more agile. this is just my theory.
Best of luck flying
also, X frame has less width while navigating forward than + setup. If you fly in narrow places, you may call that advantage.
+ is generally easier to fly as you have one forwrd arm which helps prevent disorientation.
x is better for cameras as you have no arm in the middle of the camera's file of view.
It's alllllllll in the wiki: http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2Airframe