
Share your drone info thread

Hi everyone,

I'm creating this thread to share your drone/copter information. I believe, this would help immensely for newbies like me during the initial build. For example, the Chris's blog on cheap Hobby King quad configuration is really a good resource.  

I don't want to burden anyone who is willing to share their info. Hence all fields are optional. Atleast the first 5 fields are ideal. Please find the list of fields to copy/paste at the end, so you can start filling :-). 

Here goes information about my quad.

frame: Quadcopter (3DRobotics)
controller/autopilot: APM1
esc: 20A (3DRobotics)
motors: 850Kv (3DRobotics)
propellers: 10x47, APC (3DRobotics)
motor to motor distance: -- inches

battery:  4S 3300mAh (Turnigy nano-tech)
total weight: -- lbs
flying time: 15 minutes (average)

radio: Turnigy 9X 
video/osd: none
other: Sonar, Xbee, GPS/Mag, Attopilot current sensor



Turnigy 9X: Mode1 -> Mode2 change, Li-ion battery hack







motor to motor distance: -- inches

total weight: -- lbs
flying time:


Misc (hacks/mods):


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          • Hey Richard, thanks for the fast reply bud, it does come with one battery and some extra props , I am assuming it works , I have purchased a few heli's from him in the past and they have all been good , he is getting back into buggy racing and asked me first if I was interested since I purchased a few things in the past. I figured for $300 I couldn't go wrong just wasn't too familiar with the naza flight controller and Gps
            • Yea I agree can't got wrong for $300! 

        • That is definitely well worth $300 if it works! Does it come with a couple batteries? Those alone are probably $80 each or more. Probably a 4 cell which means longer flight times. You'd probably get around 15-20 minutes maybe more. 

    • I hope you are not going to find the builder here in this forum because I has a Naze, here the majority are using ardupilot: APM, Pixhawks but you can find nice works here. Perhaps you can google the photo to find.

  • Short video of my pixhawk / 300 nighthawk build

    she fast and very stable.

  • Some great designs!

    Here's my latest.

    Frame: 3/1.5mm carbon fibre
    FC: 3DR Pixhawk
    GPS: 3DR uBlox LEA-6H
    ESC: Maytech MT30A-OPTO-STC-MK
    Motors: KDE DIRECT 4012XF-400
    Props: Tarot T Series 1555
    Motor to motor: 880mm
    Battery: 4S 16000mAh 10/20C
    AUW: 3780g
    Flight time: 22 minutes - 80% mAh
    Telemetry: 3DR 433Mhz - ImmersionRC monopole on rover, RMILEC SRC 771 on base.
    Radio: FrSky Taranis - FrSky D4R-II
    Camera: Sony a5100 - Sigma 30mm F2.8 DN
    Shutter trigger: Mobilexcopter simple multi shutter









    • Nice work all the way through these pages. Didn't see this until after I put mine on its own new post. 

  • very nice octo! what is your maximum payload? (at around 50% throttle I mean)

  • Hi Bill, nice designs. I like the sky surfer design you have (black one looks like a surfboard). Might have to buy a set of plans from you. What are you using for the plates?

      2pair- counter rotating EDF's Dr Mad Thrust 70mm 1900KV 6S preassembled from HobbyKing

      4- 85A EDF Opto ESC's Dr Mad Thrust from HobbyKing

      1- Naza-M Lite w/ BEC, LED, and GPS from DJI Innovations

      1- AR600 receiver from a flybar heli I crashed and rebuilt flybarless

      2- 6S 50C 5000mAh LiPo Batteries Team Great Hobbies from Great Hobbies

      1- sheet polycarbonate Lexan from Plastics Plus Ltd

      1- sheet 1/2 inch  Owens Corning insulation from Home Depot

      1- sheet 1 inch  Owens Corning insulation from Home Depot

      1- sheet 2 inch Owens Corning insulation from Home Depot

      1-length 3 inch by 4 feet  Blue Tube from Apogee Rocket Components

      1- 3 inch coupling Blue Tube from Apogee Rocket Components

      misc- epoxy resin, 6-32 screws and nuts, 8-32 threaded rod and nuts, blood, sweat,

      and tears of joy when it all came together and actually took off

      There are some nay sayers out there when it comes to HobbyKing and they had me worried the Dr Mad Thrust fans were not going to cut it. The video proves it all worked strait out of the box.

      One thing I learned on this build was that the couplings for Blue Tube have an ID that matches ducted fan OD. The couplings for 3 inch Blue Tube fit 70mm fans and the 4 inch couplings fit 90mm fans. Blue Tube is used to make rocket bodies. Serious 3 and 4 inch diameter rockets and has proven to be tougher and lighter than fiberglass on par with carbon fiber tube but will crumple instead of shattering in the event of catastrophic impact. It also costs a lot less than carbon fiber tube.

      A note on shipping from Apogee Components. You will probably have to speak to someone directly if you let their webpage figure it out shipping costs may seem way out of line. Not exactly sure why that is but I think it has something to do with very large and dangerous rocket motors


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