Shorter Flight Time with Arducopter.


I just receive APM2 few days ago and I put it into my existing FyeTech frame. It fly relativelly stable in Stable mode.

The only problem that I have curentlly is, I can only achieve 6 mins flying time with APM2.

Previouslly using HobbyKing quad controller and I flashed with KKMulticopter 4.7, I manage to achieve 8 mins easily.

There is no different in configuration, meaning, I use same frame, esc, motors, props, same frame orientation (X mode), only RX that is different. With KKMulticopter I use FrSky Rx, and with APM2 I use Turnigy 9x Rx. The TX is the same TX.

I just hovering with both controller.

Why the different of battery consumption is quite big? Does it mean APM2 consume more power? Or is the algorithm in APM2 not as efficent to control the motors?







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  • I have a different experience - on my first quad, switching from Multiwii to AC2 increased my hover time from 8 to 14 minutes easily. I was really surprised by this. I guess it depends how tuned it is - if it constantly fights to stay in place it will be much less efficient than a smooth hover.

  • As additional information, I use Arducopter 2.4.1.

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