Simple map for tracking

Read an article by Jdrones a while back  on how to contribute to the code source at DIY Drones.  Found Pygame was rather essential for joy stick controls and mapping.  Attached a small mapping program.  It uses Open Street Maps.  I wanted something rather simple, broken into modules that could be customized.  Found mapping to be the most challenging thing so far.  Attached is the code that creates the map and talks to GPSd.  Had trouble passing variables from GPS code to the map app. so I wrote to file to get it to work. 

This is where I started for the map:

Decided to write everything myself, from end to end, in order to get a better understanding of the entire operation.  The last thing will be a navigation application.  My focus is on biplanes and boats.  Once is it all works, will be happy to share. 


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