Hi all,

After a bit of trial and tribulation and a healthy dose of luck I have managed to get my quad sorta sorted.

I did the initial setup using a FW450 frame but have migrated eveything to a TBS Disco frame.

I read a couple of posts relating to the non standard placement of the motors with the TBS frame and thought it might be a good idea to adjust for their offsets.

I have a couple of questions regarding this:

The first is, what values would I need to change? I read that the % distance of the motors from the pitch and roll axis are the important thing and also that angle is the important thing.

Which is it most likely to be and..

The second is, what is the simplest way for me to make the required changes to the code?

I'm quite computer literate but I'm no programmer. Obviously, I didn't embark on the APM route thinking I'd never need to do any programing but I would also like to get this baby in the air without having to do a  degrees worth of study first. I am interested in the code side of things but hoped I could pick it up in bite sized chunks as I went along.

I think I need to change values in AP_MotorsQuad.cpp

I guess from what limited knowledge I have thus far plus a bit of err.. guesswork that I might need to do something like:

Download the code from the APM to the computer (using arduino IDE)

Locate the correct part of the code and edit it with the necessary changes,

Save the changes, Recompile the code and reupload it to the APM.

When I tried a dummy run on some code I'd DL from google code, I couldn't find the bit I needed to edit.

Any help on the above would be most appreciated.



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  • You're correct about the filename, you do need to modify AP_MotorsQuad.cpp. It's under libraries folder , not Arducopter. You won't be able to edit with Arduino since its .cpp, any simple text editor will do though. After editing you'll need to compile it with Arduino (you'll need the modified version from here.) and upload. This is the wiki entry.

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