simulation help please please :)

Could someone help me with simulating the mission that my copter was lost with?

Id like to see in a simulation with flight gear or xplane where it would end up. Maybe its no point in doing it but if the hardware is flying in the sim then it should go to the exact same place as my real quad did? Thus ill maybe see where to look for my quad..


Would be awesome if anyone could test this :) My theory is that the quad executed the route but since magnetometer had declination 0 the waypoints was "off" compared to google maps..and in the simulator you'd see this

Mission file is attached, firmare was 0.38 and declination on the magnetometer was 0



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  • I lost my Quad and i offer 100 Euros to the one who 'll be able to found my Quad. All the young people going to look for my Quad and finally one of them found it ;)

  • Nobody wants to try?

    sorry for bumping but im desperate to find my quad

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