I just started SITL for Windows using ArduPilot. I am at the Step 7 of setting up SITL using Linux. I keep getting an error " wp:command not found" whenever i use "wp load ../Tools/autotest/ArduPlane-Missions/CMAC-toff-loop.txt".
I have already checked for the paths in .bashrc and changed them accordingly as some of the mavproxy stuff didn't get installed in the Home directory. I also ran the line endings fixes by doing the dos2unix.
So, this is the only place I am getting stuck at and don't understand why it can't find the command. Let me know if you need anymore details.
Make sure that when you enter the wp command that the mavproxy.py script has loaded and you are entering the command "wp load..." into the mavproxy interface.
Just further information on the wiki links I followed for trying to setup the SITL.
I started with trying to setup SITL on Windows
which basically guides you to setting up a Virtual Machine with Ubuntu and installing the necessary files for SITL on Linux.
I am currently stuck at the step 7 with it not able to understand the command .
I am new to the whole UAV- Linux development environment and would appreciate any thoughts or help with regards to this.
Thanks !