Do you find keeping orientation in flight can be difficult at distance or in low light.

Do you find the current lighting solutions for multirotors satisfactory

Would you buy a frame specifically designed for lighting and efficiency

Do you find the cost of camera gimbals excessive

Is there enough frame and gimbal choices on the market?

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  • I want to say that you have very cool projects at school. I didn't have many things that were more boring. Basically we were given economics assignments, I used for this. Agree that this is not at all interesting to any person. Although there are different people, but I'm sure most will not like this.
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  • I am really surprised by your guys res ponces, i appreciate it and this helps my survey but i will explain.

    I wanted to prove to a friend that people are too comfortable thinking about what they want Reuther than what everyone wants.
    This was spurred from the multirotor crashed when i posted calling for some kind warning splash screen to be imposed on all software, then others came along and started suggesting things like, geofence limitations making it impossible to fly in cities etc, when who is to say there is not some park someone flies in or some indoor hall to fly in.
    They replied that you shouldn't fly with gps then, but again that means a removal of a safety device than can avoid crashes and the ability to do things like position hold or loiter.

    Other came along as said that for people to fly they must join a club, or they must get approval from a club, or their models must be inspected etc, all sorts of extremal controlling rules they benefit only those who would make money off this.

    And the ones propsing it dont care that others may not have a car, or a local club, or the means to travel to a club etc.

    So with that discussion we got to here, i asked some very leading questions that were worded biased towards an answer but surprisingly, people so contempt in their bubble answered otherwise.

    I asked
    Do you find keeping orientation in flight can be difficult at distance or in low light
    This should be yes for everyone and unsurprisingly it is.

    I asked
    Do you find the current lighting solutions for multimeter's satisfactory
    This ques ton was neutral, it could have gone either way and it did with a 50/50 reply.

    I asked
    Would you buy a frame specifically designed for lighting and efficiency
    This was again a balanced question, as the more creative would design their own whilst the enthusiasts would Likely buy one.
    Surprisingly everyone answered No, but OK perhaps i only got the creative types.

    I asked
    Do you find the cost of camera gimbals excessive
    Now this was balanced towards a yes, because lets face it, unless you are buying a gimbel for a GO PRO yo uwill pay through the nose, this is a fact, gambles are expensive often coming in a $100
    but surprisingly no still arose, now i am guessing they may well have a go pro but i don't know for sure, the last guy Rob, i think gave the best answer, he knows his stuff.

    I asked
    Is there enough frame and gimbal choices on the market?
    Now this question is a down rite NO!
    There is NEVER enough choice, not to mention for multirotors they is so few choices, all have the same boring design, a star with only a few different designs.
    There is only one octocopter frame available on Hobbyking for example, but can you believe it, all but one said yes there is enough choice.
    This highlights that people don't consider the greater ramifications, to say there is enough frame choice would be like saying there is enough Aircraft choice, we should just stop designing aircraft and use what we have till the end of time...

    I appreciate you guys taking the time but do take heed, think about everyone, not just yourself.
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