
  • If you go to Ardupilot Main Page and scroll down you will find "Complete Manual" and "Source Code/Firmware." Clicking on the first you have the contents of the manual on the left side. If you click the second one the contents are on the right side and it says, "Featured Downloads." If you click "Show All" a big list comes up. If you look at it carefully it appears to be a list of the Ardupilot software versions, newest on top: Arduino 2.5.53 2.7 Beta 5.3. You can save the file to the folder of your choice but, you have to have previously downloaded Arduino IDE.

    If you've never messed around with programming an Arduino board then you're probably going to be lost as to what to do with the source code. So you need to be Arduino-wise first which is subject matter that's assumed before you do the stuff on this web site. So if you're not already, get up to speed with Arduino by poking around the internet - buy a board and program it, etc. And you need to know how to fly an RC plane. Arduino and RC are prerequisites for doing anything here. I know them but UAV's are all new to me. I've made my plane choice and I'm just now starting to buy the hardware so I'm a total noob here. Good luck.
  • Moderator
    "but when i downloaded it (2x) its all just reference?"
    No bashing, huh? That's going to be tough. ;) Can you post the link that you used to download? When you download the zip from you just run the Arduino.exe . That's it.
    Of course, then you'll need to read DIYD and add the required libraries for AP or APM to your sketch folder. You can do it. Read, read, read.
  • 3D Robotics
    It's here in the manual.
  • Well, I'm sorry but you won't be able to avoid some reading and "site exploring". I suppose you had a look at the manuals already? Which version of Ardupilot hardware are you using? If you would like to get some relevant help you also need to provide details of your installation.

    We all started like this at some point (in my case quite recently). It takes some effort to get the grasp of this but you will be rewarded later on so hang on and read through the forum, the manuals, etc.
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