Software Serial for GPS

Mikal Hart seems confident that his library is pretty robust and much better than the original SoftwareSerial. It uses interrupts . It might allow us to run both a GPS and a two comms link. The coms link could be on the hardware UART and the GPS on the NSS.

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  • I forgot to mention. When we use the software serial line to communicate we do get jitters in our servos. I imagine this is because the timers normally used for holding the servos are being "borrowed" to operate the software line, but I am no expert. I was really worried about this when we were doing ground tests, and found the jitters to almost completely disappear so long as we talked at less that 4 Hz. When the ground station doesn't talk to the AC at all, there are no jitters. When we actually tested in the air, we could not tell the difference between comm on and comm off, implying that the jitters are too quick to affect performance visibly. That being said we are going to focus a lot more on characterizing everything next flight (hopefully Tuesday) and should know a lot more. When running comm at full speed (around 12 Hz) the AC remained stable and navigated towards the waypoints.
  • Diarmuid,

    If you'd like to see an example of exactly such a project -- one that uses NewSoftSerial to gather information from a serial GPS module -- you might take a look at something I built called the "Reverse Geocache Puzzle".

    Mikal Hart
    The Reverse Geocache™ Puzzle | Arduiniana
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