Solar powered online LiPo battery charger.


I'm looking for a battery charger design that is able to charge and balance a LiPo battery in parallel with a connected load.

I want to power the charger with an solar panel, whenever the sun is visible I want the charger to charge the battery. One design I found for a simple charger is this one:

Would it be possible to use that one with modifications for my purpose?

My goal is a simple and lightweight system to accommodate on a small robot platform.

All the best, Robin


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  • Thanks for your advice. Actually to say, I'm not familiar with solar power battery charger. The more that I know about battery charger is how to charge camera battery with bestek 300w power inverter. Simply connect it with car cigarette lighter charger outlet, then you can charge battery safely and quickly. Maybe you want to catch more details on bestekmall. Hope this point is useful to you. 

  • Adafruit sells a single cell(3.7v) LiPo solar charger with a load terminals, but they have been out of stock for at least a couple of months. RobotShop sells a similar product which is less than half the price and is in stock. I'm testing them now in an of-the-grid remote wireless sensor network utilizing Zigbee radios.

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