Sonar not working ?

I've just installed a XL-MaxSonar as per manuals instructions, but it does not seem to work.This is the setup;ArdupiratesNGhave commented in define IsSONAR on the ConfighHave checked the setting on the serial monitor under command 'o'have set altitude hold PIDs on configurator to 0.08 0.05 0.06When I switch to altitude hold at 2 metres it does not hold altitude, I also removed the props and moved the airframe up and down expecting to hear the motors speed up and slow down in response, but nothing happens. I then turned the P value upto 2.0 still no response.I know the Baro works okay because I've tested this previously. The throttle is inactive when it's switched to altitude hold.Have I missed something ?

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  • I've been trying a few things, but nothing seems to make the sonar have any effect. Am I right in thinking that the default setting for the altitude hold are 0.08, in the configurator and there are a different set of PID's for the Sonar only adjustable in the CLI, 0.8,0.3,0.7.
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