I have a Sony A5100 connected to my Pixhawk (V3.2.1) using the mobileXcopter simple multi-shutter relay trigger and multiport cable. I can right-click in mission planner to trigger the camera and use the momentary switch on my Taranis to trigger just fine. However, when I set CAM_TRIGG_DIST to 1 (1 meter) and walk around with the copter it will not trigger the camera. I have great GPS signal and the safety switch has been pushed. I would like to confirm that it will fire the camera during auto missions using CAM_TRIGG_DIST and this behavior has me thinking it won't. Here are my settings:




CH7_OPT: 9



Obviously it is plugged into the AUX2 (RC10) connection.

Suggestions appreciated!

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  • So I have noticed that my gps position is not updating in mission planner beyond the time of when I initially plug in the copter, regardless of the position of the safety switch. I don't think its always been this way. Has it? It appears that after initial power up of the copter that the FC is not updating its position until the copter is armed. I know this because once I armed the copter it immediately started updating the position and triggering the camera. Is there some setting to make it constantly update gps position once the copter is plugged in? I was going to start using the SwiftTag photo tagger but if I can't simply move the copter around and have it update gps postition to trigger the camera then I don't see a good (safe) way to get the initial picture you need to start the trigger script in MP.

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