"I would also like to know about performance over forested areas, and forested mountain areas. Would like to use this on a multirotor for mapping purposes."
"Already use something like that, but it doesn't incorporate the use FrSky sensors as well. I really like the FrSky 150amp current sensor because it is way more accurate (and doesn't require calibration) than the 3DR/AttoPilot style current/voltage…"
"I'm curious if you can pick and choose data sources for the telemetry display? For instance, use FrSky current sensor data with GPS data, etc. coming from Pixhawk. Also, Dragon Link w/Taranis? "
"Are we currently able to implement terrain following using one of these on a multirotor during mapping missions created with MP? I am very interested in using this to maintain consistent altitude over forested mountain areas."
"Is anyone else having issues with pass-thru on RC14? I have up to RC13 working just fine but for some reason RC14 is not outputting anything. I can see the pwm value change in Mission Planner but nothing is coming out of the pins. I have my gimbal…"
"I found the issue but don't understand why. It is the Garmin Astro dog tracker and the 1.2 GHz video transmitter interacting. I was mistaken, the dog tracker is actually transmitting in the 151-154 MHz range. With the video transmitter and the dog…"
"I will give this a try but the current drops are still bothering me. What is strange is that the voltage doesn't really change, only the current dips. Also, compass 1 mag X and Y clearly show a deviation coincident with a current drop but compass 2…"
"Thanks for taking a look at the log! It does seem there is a power issue. I have a dual battery setup and I'm now wondering if one battery is loosing connection? They have separate power leads to the distro board and I only have one battery being…"
"I am having 'Compass variance error' since upgrade to 3.3.2. I was flying beta versions previously with no issue. The problem seems to be worsening as well.
1000mm hexacopter, New Pixhawk (imu failure on previous one), CSG Shop M8N XL…"
"Exactly what I do. I use the FrSky current sensor and tweak parameters in MP over several flights till I'm happy with it. I have it setup so that the attopilot sensor is sending back data on one battery and the FrSky sensor is sending back data on…"
"I think it was just the wait difference. I also think the tone sequence(s) have changed compared to the wiki but I didn't do it over and over to verify. What is weird is that it appeared to have calibrated all of the times previous to the last…"
"Just wanted to report that two more ESC calibrations solved the problem. Not sure if something now differs from what the wiki says but I just waited longer in between tones on last try and that did it. Set MOT_SPIN_ARMED at 70 and all is fine."