Stabilization tuning (Yaw question)

Newbie question.. I am flying a Skywalker 1900 with apm 2.5 with the latest firmware. I trimmed the plane and began tuning the  PIDs, however, after getting the roll and pith right, my plane yaws to the left when I activate stabilization mode. Ive tried increasing the p gains for servo yaw, which seemed to make it worse. I then input negative P  gains and it reacted the same as if it were set to 0. No matter how much negative p gain i input, the yaw left remained consistent. Any ideas on how to correct this?

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  • Hi

    How is it again with the RC calibration? The neutral position of the controls are as you have trimmed the plane. Those are are stored in APM at RC calibration and also (now I am not quite sure about this) when you enter stabilize and some other modes from manual.

    I suggest you try set the rudder PIDs to zero, set aileron to rudder mix to zero and recalibrate RC. Then see if problem is still there.

    Aileron to rudder mix is exactly what is sounds like. It apparently helps perform coordinated turns but also has the strange effect that aileron corrections (not banking but just moving ailerons in order not to bank) also get into the rudder.

    Rudder PID has the lateral accelerometer as input. If chaning P or I from zero to plus something makes the problem come back, you need to look at accelerometer calibration.



  • that would be a problem setting the zeros of the IMU you should use a level (type bubble) to set it. Look if in groud when you have the plane to level, the rudder move too.

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