Stabilize mode question

Just got APM2, and setup a test bed to bench test before I stick it in the plane and go.. I noticed something I think is odd.  In stabilize mode, when I use rudder, I also get some aileron...  Problem is I get aileron that is opposite what it should be...


For example with no rudder, when I give stick to bank left it banks left, and when I give stick to bank right, it banks right...  When I give left rudder, I get aileron that would make the plane roll right, and when I give rudder to go right, I get left aileron roll. Is this normal??



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  • Thanks for the input guys, but I figured it out... There is a setting in StandardParams that I changed.

    Rudder Mix (KFF_RDDRMIX) was set to .5 and I changed it to 0. This eliminated the issue that I was seeing. Hopefully this helps someone else along the way.

    Now I have to wait for my 3DR Radios to get here then I can put it in the plane and fly next week...

  • I have never seen what you are seeing, but is your Transmitter by chhance in Helicopter mode? I know heli mode can do some weird mixing out of the box. People always suggest Airplane/Acro mode on the transmitter if it has one.
    Also, so others may be able to help, what transmitter (radio) are you using?
  • Also test the surfaces when you tilt the plane around in stabilize mode. My elevator moved correctly when I moved the stick, but when I tilted the nose of the plane down the elevator would go down as well. Luckily I noticed this on the bench and reversed the elevator in the RC config panel. :)

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