Stabilizing an Airplane

Hello guys,I was just wondering if the FMA XY sensor will stabilize an unstable airplane?lets say I built an unstable flying wing or canard plane, will the FMA sensor be able to fly it smooth? or its gonna jump up and down and swing right and left?

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  • so i'll take that as ( Yes it will stabilize the Aircraft) lol

    well first thanks Reto for your reply, I am not planning on flying an unstable plane, and if i built an airplane (which i am working on) i'll make sure that it is stable even before flying it.

    I was only thinking about flying wings and canards and whether FMA is/can be used to stabilize them ... no plans to fly unstable plane whatsoever.
  • Hi Ahmed: what is the purpose of trying to correct erratic behavior of an unstable airframe? Don't you want to invest your resources (power, calculation, etc.) in flying your UAV "mission" instead. Finally, what would happen when you switch the FMA sensor/autopilot off? Are you going to provide the airframe with the necessary stabilizing commands during landing? My opinion is that a poor flying plane shouldn't fly... or will not fly very long! But it's a very personal opinion.
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