Still no luck after PPM upgrade

I tried again today to get past the PPM upgrade. Still does not work and I have no idea of what to try next.

I again tried to connect computer to Arducopter with USB port. Photo 001 is the result. Port shows up again but no connect. Anyone know what all this means?

I also tried to connect using 3DRadio mavlink. Again the port shows up but  no connection. Photo 2 & 5 shows messages on screen I get.


As you can see I am going in circles now. I have had nothing connect after I have did the PPM upgrade.


Is there a way to undo what I upgraded to in PPM? Any help would be nice, thanks.


Thanks Ray




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  • Developer

    These type of problems are almost impossible to diagnose. If you followed the PPM programming guide to the letter and removed the JP2 strap after the PPM update, then your problems are most likely related to USB drivers on the computer. Try opening the Computer Device Manager and see what the APM USB device show's up as, and try reinstalling the USB drivers to see if that helps. Plugging the APM into a different USB port and trying another USB cable might also help.

  • I have a little progress on problems after loading PPM upgrade.

    I did the PPM install again using FLIP3.4.7. Loaded Hex file ArduPPM_v2.3.16_ATMega32U2. Again it shows burned, verified.

    I go to Mission planner. I still have the port COM3 show up but  get errors when I try to hit the connect button. Same errors as before.

    Then the strange thing. I went ahead and pressed the HARDWARE > Install Firmware and it will load.  It says the following: Downloading from internet Reading Hex File Says Uploading 220154   bytes to APM Board 2560-2 then Verify APM Write Done.. Waiting (17 sec) then pop up window shows up saying "Pleas ensure you do a live comass calibration after installing arducopter V3x" I wait 20 seconds. Press Done. So I think AdruCopter V3.0.1 for Hex+ is loaded.

    So now I am really puzzled. Then I try to connect again with the com3 that is still showing on CONNECT LIST and still it will not connect. I get the Trying to connect message with timeout happening. Then it says Can not establish a connection\n Please check the following 1)You have firmware loaded 2. You have the correct serial port selected 4. Try different port. I press OK, it goes away.   1) I think I saw the firmware load 3.0.1 2) I selected serial port that I always use and it did show up in Connect List 3) I tried another USB port with same results.

    So I went back to checking serial port again. In device manager I see my COM3 and the port says its working and set at 57600.  I set the connect speed on com3 in mission planner to COM3 and 57600. Click on CONNECT.

    It fails after only 5 seconds off of countdown. This is normally when it connects for me, in only 5 seconds. So I think it sees the port but some setting must be wrong. What do you set the 8N1N to? Is 57600 speed correct to use?

    I feel I am getting close but still need a little help. Any suggestions? Ideas?

    Thanks Ray

     Attached is error message I get when I TRY to connect USB to Arducopter.


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