Hi everyone,
I would like to know what program could best be used to stitch Aerial Photos that have been taken in a sweeping grid together and even produce a 3D image of the ground similar to steroscopic photography that old cartographers used.
I know that there are a few company's doing this with flying wing type models, but I'm sure they are not about to share this info with me.
Thanks in advance.
Have you looked at autopano giga?
Hey sort of related to this. I'm wanting to do only 2D photo stitching. So I can measure lengths and areas. I'll use a canon with gps. Any easy idea's ? thanks
I don't know what their prices and business model are like but their work is pretty impressive.
The technique you are looking for is called 'Structure from Motion', a type of photogrammetry from the field of Computer Vision. I use (Agisoft PhotoScan Professional), too, which is able to export orthofoto mosaics and DEMs, but there are many more (e. g. Bundler, VisualSFM, 123D Catch, Pix4UAV). Most of them are a bit complicated to use and doesn't have georeferencing capabilities and those who have and are easy to use are expensive. But there's free software for everything you need...
Have fun, Jorre
Windows ICE is free and doing stitching picturees, but not for 3D as you requested.
I am using PTGui for 360 pictures.
A good one for 3D aerial is Agisoft PhotoScan
Start with photosynth there are many others, Google knows.