We all know that one can take distance based aerial photos by using mission planner and pixhawk. Since distance based triggering keeps taking photos outside the survey area (while making a u turn in order to line up with the adjacent track) it makes the sticthing process harder by producing more shoots than that we need and reduces the battery endurance. 

Is it possible to stop triggering outside the polygonal area in pixhawk or mission planner survey planning section? I think there is a work around solution by using DO-DIGI-CAM method which takes photos at each waypoint but because of the wp limit in pixhawk its not the exact answer that I need.

It would be helpful if anyone has an idea.



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  • iskess,
    Thank you. It's nice to see you here while helping people as usual in rcgroups forums :)
    Recently I am interested in aerial mapping because Ive been flying fpv for 5 years and I need some new challanges.
    Is there any further documentation which I can read about detailed settings or features of mission planner?
    Thanks for your answer. I will try it asap.
    • The wiki has gotten quite good over the last couple years. Much better than back in the jabram days. Read the wiki all the way through and most of your questions will be answered.
      • Thank you. I've already read the whole wiki twice but I could be missing this breakup starts issue. Actually I could not find the detailed explanation in wiki especially in survey section. I think it does not tell the function of each check box or buttons in the mission planner. I will keep your suggestion and read the wiki again.

        Also I am new at this forum and noticed this forum has lots of info about pixhawk and aerial mapping. I will keep digging it :)

        Thank you again.


        • Yes you are right. Although Arduplane and the Pixhawk are explained well in the wiki, the documentation for Mission Planner and the Survey Grid tool is very outdated.
  • Click "break up starts" on the last tab in the survey grid tool.
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