I just recorded a 9 min hover in roughly the same spot out to a tlog file and then exported that to a KMZ file. When I play it back it looks like the altitude recorded jumps to zero on one tracking point per second and the rest appear at the correct hight. It's like a 1Hz blip in the playback within Google Earth. Since I cannot read the binary tlog file directly I cannot plot the alt to see what's being recorded.
Oddly enough, while I was doing my best to keep the altitude at one spot above the ground I found that once I found a sweet spot on the throttle, all of a sudden the rpm on the engines surges without me making any changes to the throttle stick. I'm in stabilize mode and do not have a sonar so I cannot see why the code would have any reason to muck around with the throttle being applied to all engines at once. I'm not keen to try alt hold without the sonar (wish it would hurry up in the post!).
The two issue are most likely unrelated but worth mentioning.
Using AC 2.0.37 / Mission Planner 1.0.44
Michael O., if you want a copy of the tlog file I'll email it to you.
can you post the log here?
i have a feeling i might know whats going on.
also what did you ahve plugged in?
sonar, gps, etc?