Strange behavior after failsafe setup


I almost crashed my X8 yesterday after failsafe setup...

I started in stabilize and after a few sec. i switched to pos/hold and the copter started to fly away..

switched to loiter but no success, back to stabilize i was able to get control but the very strange response.

after landing i was not able to turn of the motors and then the apm initiated failsafe (by luck i was able to disconnect the lipo befor launch !)

could someone have a look and tell me why this happend ?

last weekend i was flying without any problem with perfect position hold,loiter and RTL several times !!

is it possible to see the flight mode in the log ?



2013-04-07 18-15 91.log

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  • "is it possible to see the flight mode in the log ?"

    Yes, you can replay your log on the Mission Planer.

    Flight Data / Telemerty Logs / Load Log... this shows you all you saw during the actual flight.




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