Strange Behaviour In Simple Mode

Hi all,

I have a very odd condition on my multi. My setup is a hex (+ configuration) running 2.9.1b with MP 1.2.53. Operates perfectly in Stabilize, Alt Hold, and Loiter. When I switch to Simple Mode, forward movement of right stick causes copter to tilt right and move to right; back stick movement causes the opposite. Right movement of right stick causes forward tilt and movement; left movement of right stick causes the reverse. I didn't check yaw or throttle. When I turn off simple mode, all returns to perfect operation. Also, Super Simple is off.

I know that if I turn my body orientation 90 degrees, behavior would be as expected. BUT, I took off in Stab mode with forward pointed to due north and I was facing due north directly behind copter. It is easy to verify yaw orientation on my machine since it has a bright red LED on the rear arm and a bright green one on the back of the forward arm. I am highly confident that the yaw orientation when I switched to Simple Mode was identical to when I took off. The machine was only 20 feet away and 10 feet off the ground.

So strange. Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?


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  • Hi Have the same issue simple the controls are crossed ..did you find a solution ?  cheers Reuben

  • T3
    How are you turning on simple mode? I use simple mode in all my flight modes. But I have it set prior to flight.
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