strange behaviour upgrading to ardupilot 2.50 firmware


I have a bixler with APM 2.0. Recently I updated the firmware to 2.50 but now the behaviour is weird. When I turn stabilization on it goes really smooth, actually I think better than 2.40 . However, when I touch the stick the counter action is not as smooth as it used to be, for example if I  pitch up to gain altitude when I release the stick it dives very hard, with a sharp movement. Landing was a piece of cake and now it has become really hard, and I even crash today due to this hard/sharp counter actions to my stick movements done by the stabilization mode.

Another strange thing is that when I set RTL the plane again the plane reacts really sharp.

I use bixler.param file as I used to do it with the previous 2.40 firmware without problems.

Any ideas??

On the 2.50 release notes it says something about some two parameters I need to change it my case??

Any help appreciatted, if I don't find a solution soon I am forced to downgrade to 2.40 again :(

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  • Developer

    Hi Asaak,

    The PID settings for stabilisation (in stabilise and FBW modes) didn't change, so the change in response to stick input is not expected. Do you have tlogs of flying with the previous version versus the current version that I could look at?

    Cheers, Tridge

  • Hi,

    Check your PID settings. There were changes in the "interpretation" of their values, meaning in order to get the same or similar behaviour back you need to actually scale some of them. There is more detailed information in the 2.5 release discussions.

    Good luck..


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