Strange motor behaviour

Why are my motors doing this weird power loss when running at approx. 75% throttle ? Thrust and amps go up nicely till about 75%, then suddenly I loose a lot of thrust and the amps actually go down. Please see attached video for a better understanding.

(This is done while bypassing the APM, and with a 100 amp capable battery, the ESC is rated to 25 amp, and my wattmeter never shows more than 25 amp (approx. 15 amp when the issue starts))

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  • First, don't believe the battery rating. Burst is not the same as continous. This is most likely the culprit.

    What battery exactly are you using? I got the feeling the ratings are way out of whack.


    The only other answer can be that wiring or a connector is getting hot increasing resistance and thus lowering the power. What does the voltage at the input to the ESC do? Betting you are seeing a drop.

    Oh, I guess as a really distant answer is that the ESCs and motor are mismatched timing. The question here would be if one motor by itself runs fine, then it's battery or power distro for sure.

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