Hi, I`m going crazy.
My Hexa didn´t work well and I recalibrated accelerometers, transmiter, etc, etc. I checked the motors and everything was well but the Hexa didn`t work well.
I have a strange problem with the motor output number 8.
If I connect this motor to Ardupilot, this has not force but if I connect this motor another receiver this works very well.
I have disconnected every motors less number 8 and this has not force, I thought the motor was brned but when I have connected it another receiver it works perfectly.
The Hexa has been flying perfectly with Ardu Pirates and Arducopter 2.0.17 and now it does not work well.
I have not changed hardware or anything.
What could it be?
According to Ardupilot Mega Schematics v 1.2, PWM Outputs 7 and 8 do comes from PE5 and PE4 AVR Mega outputs.
PWM Outputs 1 to 4 do come from the multiplexer circuit 74LS157.
Port E on AVR Mega does not have high driving capabilities. Only port B has high current outputs. It is possible that PE4 and PE5 AVR outputs do not have enough drive capability for your ESC.
Or you could have a problem on your AVR Mega chip, or a short on this output with an adjacent wire, or a bad solder somewhere.
Eventually a problem on the ESC input (too low impedance). Did you try another ESC ? A too low impedance input on your ESC could work on a receiver output, but not on the port E AVR output.
Last, could be a problem in the code, but this is less probable.
If i remember a discussion i had a few weeks ago a Ardupirate developper has reported that some AVR outputs could become wrong after overloading.
If you can put a scope on this output and compare with other outputs, you will get your answer. if you see a distorded signal, then you have a hardware problem. If you see only bad pulse timings, then it's probably a software problem.
I would vote for the hardware problem with 75 % confidence.