Recently I have been talking with a guy from my home town who owns a local oyster company. Every couple weeks/month he has his workers boat out to the oyster beds during low tide and they are patches of 10 acres or so and they have to walk in the mud and manually survey the amount of growth in different sections of the oyster bed to see where they need to harvest the oysters at that particular time. 

He has seen my flying my quadcopter before and is interested in maybe investing in a system that they can use to fly over the oyster beds and have images taken which can then be stitched together by means of software so they can have one large image to analyze for the growth patterns of the oysters. 

I know there are roadblocks when it comes to running a business with the use of drones, but that is not my concern right now because this project is in the planning stages and I just want some opinions on if this would be possible.

So what do you guys think? Is this a project that seems doable? 

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  • If you want to see an example of a system that would probably work for this (may not be the optimum choice from a cost point of view but you can see that the technology is available) take a look at the work at this website...
  • I agree that this is very doable from a technology point of view. The most appropriate system components will depend on the actual flight profiles and required image resolution but I don't see anything so far that would be a technical roadblock using currently available equipment.

  • 1 vote for definitely doable! Good luck

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