If I have (6 flight modes) using 2 radio switches, and I need to pass to a mode configured after the 3th value, we need to change "2 levers", in that case, should I do at the very same time? because I'm afraid of seting an intermediate unwanted flighmode, how fast is the new flight mode enagaged?
But I estimate it takes about half a second between me switching and seeing a reaction in the copter (when engaging RTL for example)
I have :
------- 0 ----------- 1
1 : stabilise ---- RTL
2 : simple ------- Loiter
3 : alt_hold ----- Auto
First select stabilise, simple or alt_hold with the 3-pos switch (no harm in going though those and staying in them for a few sec) en then select the desired automatic mode with the 2-pos switch.
If something goes wrong while in RTL, loiter or auto, first switch the 2-pos back (panic button) putting you in either alt_hold, simple or stabilise, which will hold your copter steady and give you some time to decide what to do next.