switch to AUTO mode after arming


run into a problem: unable to switch to AUTO mode after arming the motors.

for example, first set to "Stabilize", then arm the motors, now UNABLE to switch to auto mode.

Am I doing something wrong? am I missing anything?   ( mine is apm3.3, have tried using mission planner, mavproxy, rc transmitter )

thanks in advance,


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  • Glad you have it sorted. My next suggestion was to check the connections but you got it fixed so all is good and I'm glad it was an easy fix! :)

  • Problem has been resolved.

    stab&althold gps lock, auto,loiter,rtl no lock, this led me think I might need to look at the connection between them.

    So I looked carefully through the cable connections between pixhawk and 3dr gps, and noticed there are two of them ( two connections) were loosened, ( one was pretty bad ),  so I replaced it with a new cable. now it is working. after I arm it, I can switch to auto or loiter or rtl mode now. before I could not.

    Thanks for reminding me the GPS portion ( 6 sats and <2.5 hdop ) which led me to look at the GPS. I was clueless.

    In deed, it was GPS caused my issue.

    Craig, thanks again for your help.

  • I noticed one problem:

    only stabilize and althold modes have gps lock ( green light )

    once I switch mode, immediately "gps not lock" blue light starts blinking.

    read through:


    loiter, auto, rtl require gps lock.

    I am scratching my head not knowing why .... Shed some light please...

    thank you,

  • log files would help [not tlogs but the .bin on the hardware]

  • yeah, I just re-tested and double checked sats and hdop which are 6 and 1.25

    I was looking at "Gps HOP" under "Quick" from mission planner, as long as in my back yard, it is < 1.62.

    define a plan, write wps. set to stabilize, arm,

    then just can't change to AUTO mode.  ( auto mode can't arm the motors, of course )

    So what am I missing still?


  • Thanks for letting me know "6 sats" and "hdop<2.5", I didn't know these, and I will look into them.

    I am using mission planner 1.3.38, so I was doing:

    1. define a plan

    2. write WPs ( upload the plan )

    3. set mode to stabilize

    4. arm the motors

    5.switch to auto mode --- this step stops me. I tried it from mission planner, mavproxy ... just nothing happens. MP didn't show any error mesg.

    But I'll look into sats and hdop.

    thanks for your help.

  • are you waiting until your GPS shows at least 6 sats and a hdop of less than 2.5?

    Also are you connecting to the ground station [mission planner] as it will tell you why normally.

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