I have a skywalker platform (near to the AERO-M but i don't use the wind speed sensor) and in my last mission after the plane reached 170 meter (mission altitude) instead of having continued the mission going to the next waypoint simply pointed to the ground with the engine running and only stopped when it crash.
In attachement the log file. Can somenone help me understand way?
tried to look at it.
You need to upload .BIN or .log , not tlog.
Also, using a service that requires to "accept terms and conditions" described in *seven* pdf's , in order to dl a file is not good...
Hi thanks for your reply.
I was unable to recover the plane it crash in the sea!
So i only ha ve the tlog that was stores on the computer.
2015-10-27 17-30-08.tlog
For some reason I can't see ATTITUDE.roll/pitch data properly - so looking at the time it started to dive, you can see that AP tried to pull up, as you can see from SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.servo2.raw was very much rudder up (much more than at any point during flight)
I see you pulled up on radio in the final moments as well.
sorry, with this little data (and low data rate) it's hard to be sure , but it seems most likely that you lost elevator control. (servo,linkage etc..)