Tarot Ironman1000 PID Help on 3.1

 I am picking up an Tarot Ironman 1000.  I currrently have a 960 and 650 Tarot and PID tuning was fine.  I just got the PID's close and then ran an Autotune.  Does anyone have some general PID's for the Ironman, It is my first Octo and not sure if I can Autotune on the 3.1 defaults.  My 960 and S800 have higher then default PID's and higher Stab P.  I have read info that suggests that on the Octo I should lower the PIDs to start.  Any help or Param file would be appreciated!  Not looking to use someones file as is.  Just need general idea.  Running 40 AMP ESC's with 320KV motors, 15 inch carbon f props.  APM 2.6.

Many thanks  JEFF

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  • Hey Jeff did you ever found some tuning values? I'm kinda in the same situation as you. I have a Tarot Iron Man 1000 platform with 320kV motors and 15" propellers. If you found some good values, I would like to hear from you!

    Best regards


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