I got the DIY Drones APM Oilpan and telemetry kit yesturday. I can get the APM talking to the ground station NP. I hook up the xbee to the oilpan (correctly) and then connect my other xbee to the usb-xbee board I got from the kit. When I hookup the terminal (coolterm or termite) to the xbee serial port at 57600 I get gibberish back. Usually this is an indication of a speed difference (which I have tested all) or a TTL 3v or 5v difference. However I assume if I got it from DIY drones it's all compatible.
Is there anything special that I need to do to get telemetry data back from the APM to the serial terminal via xbee?
Oh and right now I have the xbee connected to the APM set to master. If I do not I don't even get the gibberish back from the board.
Perhaps I am missing something?
I am new not only to this form but also to UAVs,
I have been working with the Ardupilot 2.5 for a couple of weeks now. I am able to connect my Xbee modules to it and communicate with my Quad-copter (Ardupilot 2.5 with Xbee) to my ground station(xbee module connected to my laptop) using Mission Planner MAV1.0.
But when I try to read the same serial port using any serial monitor all I see is junk data.
I have read a lot of different forms but still can not get it to work any suggestion on how I can resolve it?
Seems like the problem you were having . Would you be able to tell me how you were able to read the serial port correctly?
That's not gibberish--it's binary MAVLink data. You can't read it in the serial terminal; it's not ASCII.