Hi all,

Im using this product https://store.3drobotics.com/products/3dr-iris-plus-fpv-kit-for-gopro-hero

and the run time for the integrated battery is SH*T!

It died LONG before there iris+ had to stop. I swear it couldnt have been more than 7 ish minutes of battery life.

There were two batteries in the kit and the second one was no better.

does anyone else have experience with this?

Is it normal for it to be this bad??

Seems absurd for a 45 dollar battery to only get 7 minutes of life when the 40 dollar battery in the drone is not only transmitting but powering FOUR MOTORS for 15 minutes!!

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  • Hi,

    You must have a faulty gear, because mine last several flights and I do not shutdown the screen between the flights.

    You should probably ask 3DR to replace the screen itself, as both batteries failing simultaneously sounds less probable.


    • Thanks!

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