Test Loiter By arducopter 2.0.46 update

About midday. I just test my arducopter code 2.0.46 update in Loiter mode. It have best. But, Something move circle (CCW) from center about 3-5 m. And I don't all tuning (default PI). Bad weather because It have very cloud and high headwind. GPS, It can signal high to Sat#9,But if good weather it can show signal sat#10-12.

Possible, I should  some tuning PI??? Help me please....... Thank you



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  • I next test Loiter and RTL Mode.


  • I have just arrived from testing 2.0.46. I believe maximum pitch angle was a bit increased. Loiter behaved very well at about 7 / 10 mts alt, as well as alt hold. I had RTL set to a 2m/s speed and I think the 4m/s are ok, I just tryied to avoid agressive auto maneuvers to test. I had perfect flying conditions with 0-2 km/h wind ! My quad is a 500mm motor2motor with about 1kg (including electronics and battery). I'm using 880kv motors with 30A hobbywing ESCs and 10x45 props. The quad reacts well, but I will tweak the PIDs from alt hold a bit to check if I can get more precision, since I'm having 2-3mts variations (I'm only using baro.

    To cover my baro, I've used a cigarrette filter, put 4 very small drops of super glue at the baro corners and glued the filter on top. If you do this, be very carefull not to cover the hole with the glue.

  • Flight#2 loiter test 

    Change Loiter_I 0.15 and Nav_P 2.5


  • Hello,


    i can't download 2.0.46 by Mission Planner :( 


    (sorry if my english is not good, i'm french)

  • Developer

    This looks pretty good. I can see when the Lioter_I term winds up with wind and overshoots when the wind dies down. Not much you can do about that except increase the I value to kill the overshoot faster. 

    You can also increase Rate_P by a touch.


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