Test Suite Question

I'm getting ready to run some of the individual tests in the Test Suite and had a couple questions before I actually start.


My configuaration is as follows:

ArduPilot code 2.6.2

Shield V2


X,Y & Z sensors


The manual online states the following:


The way it works is that you set DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM in the config file tab to the test you want to run, then upload the code and look at the output in the Arduino IDE serial monitor (baud rate 38400).


#define DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM 7      // 0 = no debug 
// 1 = Debug the Radio input
// 2 = Debug the Servo output
// 3 = Debug the Sensor input
// 4 = Debug the GPS input
// 5 = Debug the GPS input - RAW HEX OUTPUT
// 6 = Debug the IMU
// 7 = Debug the Control Switch


When I look at the config file tab I don't see and of the above mentioned debugging options, so do I need to added them to the file manually?


Do I then need to copy the various test files to the main sketch foler where the rest of the AP code is and upload everything?



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