Testing payload with bricks

Dears friends how are you?

I'm working in payload tests with TL6X001, i need to install sensors on it and my goal is to load between 2-3 kg, and fly acceptable 10-15 minutes missions.

Ok, my hardware is:

Frame: Tarot TL6X001 Hexacopter
Motors: 6 x FPVMODEL MC4012 kv400
ESC: Hobbywing XRotor 40A 2-6S ESC
Props: T series 1855 Carbon Fiber
Battery: Floureon 6S, 13000 mah
battery weight 1.9 kg

I'm doing tests loading bricks (2.1 kg each). Please see pics, thanks.

The 6S battery with full charge have 25.2V

My battery safe is set to 22.2V

With 1 battery at fully charge:

Using 2 bricks (4.2 kg) i can load this 2 minutes, after this, Pixhawk emite low battery tone, battery safe take control and do RTL+land at 10 meters.

Using 1 brick (2.1 kg ) i can load this 5 minutes, after this, Pixhawk emite low battery tone, battery safe take control and do RTL+land at 10 meters.

The strange issue is:

When i connect the battery this have 25.2V, i see this in mission planner, when motors start fly, this value down to 23.6 instantly and later this value start down fastly up to arrive to 22.2 and failsafe start.

But when i poweroff the device and check battery this say +-23.6

So i need to know if i need to down the failsafe value..is a safe option?

In other hand can you please tell me your opinions on how can i improve this situation in order to fly a mission of 10-15 minutes with a 2-3 kg payload whith only one battery?

- I never calbrate the PIDS, may this affect or improve?
- change the propellers can be a option?
- i feel attaching one more battery(2 more kgs) will charge a lot the motors.
- anybody feel i'm using esc's or wrongs motors?

I'm not untrust of batteries, this work fine, but are Floureon,the more lower cost in market, any experience using this?.

I'm attaching  last log loading 1 brick, you can see the discharge rate...

By now i'm working too in to down the weight of my sensors structure.

I wait your tips to improve this situation.

Thank in advance!





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  • What you see is due to internal resistance.
    With such load, (depleting it in 2 minutes) you should have a battery that is rated for at least 30c , that is if manufacturer really does it right, most cheat to offer "light" packs, so I'd say 45...60c
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