the arming of motors


i did the arming of motors ,but i see that when i hold the throttle down the motors still spin at a low speed 
can you explain me this problem?
thank you very much 

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  • You can turn it off by going to mot spin and change it to off if you dont want the motors to spin when you arm it. I turn it off on mine.
  • This is not a problem. It's suppose to do that. Its a safety mechanism.

    If you stand behind the craft and arm it and then get distracted before takeoff, the slowly spinning props reminds you that your craft is armed. It has happened in the past that people land the craft and forget to disarm it. They then walk over to the craft and when bending over to pick it up, the bump the throttle upwards resulting in a craft that takes off which resulted in injury.

    As soon as you disarm the craft, then the motors stop.

    Kind regards


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