the influence of wind

Hi,I tried to tune parameters for the last weeks, had 20+ flights and didn't get anywhere. My plane keepsI have just the basic APM, no airspeed sensor, no compassI am using a Multiplex Cularis (2.60m electric glider), a rather slow and slow-rolling vehicle :)Its airspeed is around 10-12 m/sYesterday we had wind of some 3-4 m/s from SSE, for sure not more.I did 2 flights with most settings at factory default (except max_bank 35, max_pitch 25, throttle_cruise and _max reduced)Looking at the images you can see, when going against the little wind there was, my glider just didnt want to stay on track. I noticed on previous flights, more wind, more snaking.Is this effect normal?Can I get rid of it by installing an airspeed sensor ?regards,Wolfgang




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  • Developer

    What gains where you running? Ive flown in conciderable wind and not had that much of a problem.

    Both Navigation and Servo gains?

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