
Let me start at the beginning. Getting this bird in the air was not an easy task and cost huge $$$. Initially I had the APM onboard, but it would not fly at all. After a long time chasing the problem (even trying the DJI A2) I found the problem... Slow ESC update rates on the Castle HV 80 ESC's, they needed to be flashed with new firmware.

The bird is set up with 34000mAh (4 X 4S5P) total configuration is 8S10P, and the power monitor is connecting to a single 4S5P battery - this way I can measure the A draw (times it by 2 for the real draw) and the volts (also times it by two for the real value). Flight estimation is around 70mins, possibly more.

After this I still couldn't get it to fly right with the A2 as I got white sparking from the LED, meaning IMU vibration issues. I created a new anti vibration mount and the A2 seemed better. But I wasn't keen on the hocus pokus magic style of tuning. I preferred DaveC :) After placing the APM2.6 back in, I took it for a spin - it's not perfect (log attached), but getting there. I can still see a big vibration problem (hoping EKF will fix this).

I'm attaching my log to see if someone could make recommendations (besides vibration observations) on how to better the tuning. it was quite windy though. One thing I do see, if I move it around in Loiter the bird drops in altitude, I tried messing with the throttle PIDs but maybe I'm missing something?

PS. I have 2X Brand new A2 sets, one unopened (IMU, iOSD, Datalink, PMU) for sale, they're going to be cheap beacuse I need the $$$ back. PM me.

2014-05-15 10-21-51.zip

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  • Do you have any pictures of this beast?

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