Hi all, I have been setting up APM in a Hawksky and am having issues with the throttle. I am using a Futaba T9C with a GWS RD8SL dual conversion receiver on 35Mhz. Setting up on manual mode was no problem, and all four channels perform perfectly with full throttle control.

I had to move a couple of the dip switches to get the control senses correct in stabilise mode.

As I was setting up and testing on the ground I found that the throttle was fully on on some of the modes other than manual with no control from the transmitter. I have tried activating the throttle reverse command in the Config.h file but this has no effect.

The throttle response is random in the modes and currently it only works in manual mode, it does not work at all in any other mode. I expected that I would at least have full manual control of the throttle in Fly by wire_A mode.Currently there is no GPS connected.

Can anyone throw any light on this problem, maybe I need to add more commands to the config.h file,but I thought APM was set up to control a small electric foamy by default.

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  • It's sorted now!

    Downloaded the latest version of Mission Planner 4.3 and guess what? All my issues seem to be resolved.

    Succesfully uploaded the latest version of APM 2 and it all works. The servos haven't locked this time and the control surfaces move like they should in Stabilize mode. Even better have uploaded the HIL version and can fly about in X-Planes so no more damaged planes while I learn to fly!

    Can't wait to let it loose on a mission now, if only the wind would drop a bit here in Scotland.

  • Update, on reading other posts have upgraded to APM 2 beta and now have manual throttle on both manual and fly by wire_A modes, but now do not see any automatic control surface motion when in stabilise mode.

    Also have been trying to configure the Xplane sim and have servo outputs for the control surfaces, roll pitch and rudder, but no output on throttle?

    Any advice anyone please.

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