Hi everyone !I’m an engineer student and I want to create a Tilt motors quadcopter drone. I am coming here to find help and advice in term of the conception of drones. I have many questions on what components I will need for the entire drone.I know that I will need 4 brushless motors with 4 ESC, a flight controller and a servomotor for the tilt. But my main question is about which flight controller could I use to control the 4 ESC and the servo motors for the tilt ?My main idea for the conception is to modelize and print in 3d the main frame. Affer that i will create a driving belt connected on the two axes of the motors and the servomotor for tilting.I’m all ears for any piece of advise. And I want to thank you in advance for any help you could be.Cordialy, Mathieu.PS: I’m sorry if there is any mistake in the language, due to the fact that i’m not a native speaker.
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