hey guys
Im currently trying to make a very large mq-9 reaper drone
I want to be able to fly it miles away about 200miles max ! I can't find a transmitter and reciever powerful enough to do this could it be done with satalite walkie talkie's as it's a two way radio ? or what about mobile phones using telephone wires as a transmitter with another phone inside the plane as a reciever?
Louis, maybe you should have a look at that: https://store.diydrones.com/DroneCell_p/br-dronecell-01.htm
go talk to these guys: http://pages.123-reg.co.uk/m5lar-932121/ and http://homepage.ntlworld.com/graham.jefferies/
With any long-range system on the market that works in the 433MHz band could startamplifying at about 10W, with that I think you get the link to 200 miles, also would have to have a good antenna in transmission, and seek the manner of a good antenna in reception.
I have also sought the possibility of using a walkie to the TX and RX, there are alternativesin the banda Chinese 70cm fairly inexpensive and small.
Would be good choices for air ground link.