Transmitter programming guide?

Hi everyone,


After a few minor ups and downs I've had my first few outdoor test flights. I'm yet to venture higher than 6 feet or anything more than a hover, but all seems good so far.


i'm using my TX (turnigy 9x) in Acro (plane) mode at the moment, and everything seems to be fine. I've got one of the rear 2 pos switches configured to switch between stable and acro mode for now. I was thinking i could maybe use two of the dials for a temporary solution to drive the pan/tilt mount - this would be neat as then i can switch between straight ahead and 45 degress down quite easily (i think)


Both the 9x and the arducopter are new to me, but i've learned a lot in the past weeks thanks to some excellent help here! does anyone have any suggestions on setting up the 9x? i.e. i see there is a 3 position flight mode switch, but i cant see how to assign that to an AUX channel - when we have GPS hold in the main release - i assume i'll be wanting to have 3 modes rather than 2?


any insight into how to get the best out of this controller would be appreciated.

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  • Developer

    Ugh, the 9x programming is horrible.  I had one and I did manage to assign the three position switch to a channel.  Don't remember how I did it exaclty, but I do remember that had to use 2 mixes and combine them.  Took me about 2 hours to figure out, but maybe you can do it faster with that hint ;)

  • GPS hold can be assigned to a different two position switch as well because the GPS hold function is assigned to a different channel of your transmitter.

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