Tri-Copter Yaw Spin



I just built my Tri-copter using rcexplorer's template but with a Ardupilot Mega. Got Everything hooked up..but i cant fly it as it keeps spinning round and round.

I visually checked the movement of the compensation to see if its compensating the wrong way but it seems right. the only thing i did was to reverse RC_4 in the APM Planner as my rudder directions were reversed. Could it be that i use too small of a servo for the Yaw mechanism or the PID tuning as the yaw gyro feels soft compared to the roll and pitch when i hold it in my hands and turn.


Any help would be much appreciated.


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  • Chances are its the exact same thing as seen here:



    The servo and the gyro command to correct are reverse. You could change RC_4_REV to -1 but that only fixes the servo movement from your radio, it does not reverse the gyro commands.


    What you will see is as you rotate the tri (test without props) the gryo will command the servo to turn the wrong way, actually increasing the yaw.


    I have no idea how to correct this, it needs to have the output to the servo reverse (not from the radio). Another thread suggest changing RC_4_REV to -1 also reverses the gyro command.. As of AC 2.0.39 this is not the case. I have found no way to reverse the gyro.


    We could rebuild the tail to accommodate this (i don't wanna), we could add a servo reverser inline with the tail (i don't wanna)... So it should be done in code, unfortunately i do not know the code base well enough to quickly find a solution.


    Perhaps there is something already in the code for this and its not documented (or as it happens more than not it is and i missed it).

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