Tricopter with cc3d revolution mini

Hello, I have a HJ-Y3 tricopter with a cc3d revolution mini and 3 simonk escs running 3 1000kv motors. I am trying to run Dronin firmware. Here is my problem, the cc3d revolution mini uses a wiring harness that plugs into the tiny fc and has all of the female servo connectors coming out to plug in your escs or servos. However, only the first one includes ground and power wires. How do I power my tail servo?

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  • Do your SimonK Esc's have BEC out?  If so, just borrow the 5v and ground leads from the Tail Esc and solder direct to the Servo wires.  If not, buy a smal UBEC and tap off of your main PDB, then trail the 5v and ground out to your servo.  If the PDB already has 5v out, then skip the UBEC and go direct to the servo.

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