



Lake Worth, FL

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I enjoy learning how to build things. I enjoy innovation and once a foundation of how the technology works is in place, my imagination can be set free and there is no telling what I can create. UAVs encompass many technologies that spark my imagination.


Lake Worth

Activity Feed

Tyler Evans posted a discussion
I just bought a runcam eagle fpv camera and the connector doesn't plug into my fpv transmitter. Is it standard to either solder a new connector that works or direct solder the wires or am I just doing it wrong. Please help.
Jun 7, 2017
Tyler Evans posted a discussion
Hello, I have a HJ-Y3 tricopter with a cc3d revolution mini and 3 simonk escs running 3 1000kv motors. I am trying to run Dronin firmware. Here is my problem, the cc3d revolution mini uses a wiring harness that plugs into the tiny fc and has all of…
Nov 3, 2016